
Architecture in Buenos Aires

Architecture in Buenos Aires One of the first things you will notice when walking around Buenos Aires is its eclectic architecture. Spanish, French, and Italian influences are clearly visible. This variety makes Buenos Aires a must-visit for anyone who loves architecture. Buenos Aires is home to many different styles, but today we'll talk about Colonial, Neoclassical, and Art Nouveau. While Buenos Aires...

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How to Party Like an Argentinian

How to Party Like an Argentinian Entering in peak summer and coming off a New Year’s celebration is the perfect time to discuss how to party in Argentina. When the days are hot and the nights ideal, it’s a good time to explore Argentinian nightlife or hang out at your friend’s asado. Let’s talk about some tips. First, let’s briefly mention the...

On by Natalia 0 Comments

Argentine Music: More than Tango 🎤🎶

Argentine Music: More than Tango Within music, Argentina is most famous for tango. However, Argentina has a number of other styles of music that became popular world-wide. Let’s talk a little bit about tango and these other music styles, which include Argentinian rock, Argentinian folklore, and cumbia villera. First, a quick review of tango. Tango is an urban style of music that...

On by Natalia 0 Comments

How to get around Buenos Aires? 🚌

How to get around Buenos Aires If you’re from Europe, learning Argentina’s public transportation system probably won’t be an issue. But if you’re from North America or Australia where public transportation is less common and less frequently used, then you’ll want some tips. The public transportation system includes buses, trains, and subways. SUBE The first thing you need to know is how...

On by Natalia 0 Comments

Why visit Buenos Aires in the Summer

Why visit Buenos Aires in the Summer? When you go to Argentina, you must try the meat (If you’re vegan or vegetarian, skip this article, but be sure people know you’re vegan/vegetarian if invited to a social event). Here is what you need to know to try Argentina’s famous meat: How to find restaurants that serve the famous grilled meat (what Spanish...

On by Natalia 0 Comments

Buenos Aires: la también capital de la pizza

Buenos Aires: la capital de la pizza La comida también cuenta historias y más cuando representa un gentilicio, una forma de vivir. Al hablar de Buenos Aires lo primero que llega a la mente de muchas personas es el asado. La carne forma parte de la vida porteña y es motivo de reunión y celebración, pero la pizza también. Gracias a la...

On by Vanessa 0 Comments

Câmbio: como fazer o seu dinheiro render em Buenos Aires

Câmbio: como fazer o seu dinheiro render em Buenos Aires Os brasileiros adoram viajar para Buenos Aires e desfrutar de uma cidade linda, acolhedora e com excelentes opções gastronômicas e de lazer. Some-se a isso o fato do câmbio estar muito favorável, possibilitando que o seu dinheiro renda mais na capital portenha. Sabemos que a situação econômica da Argentina é delicada e...

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